Can you help with everything I'd need to know when switching from an American school system to the UK school?
Here's the deal I hate my life as is and I'm simply tired of waiting around for something to happen to me. Since my family simply doesn't want to move, I thought of boarding school which lead me to boarding school in England. On my bucket list I have live in England for a year, and that would be crossed off it I went to school there, plus I'd get away from this place I hate while my family could stay here. Obviously I'd miss my family a lot but I've lost all my friends {because I've moved seven times before} and the ones I've made here sadly aren't much different so I wouldn't miss them much. For some reason listening to British accents calms me down and I love the rain, as far as I know it rains a ton in England. My parents also worry about how shy I am, if they aren't there I'd have to take charge for myself but I'd also have to live under the schools watch and I'm not sure how strict that is, plus I've never had to share a room with anyone before. And that's the basics. I've been told that because I'm an 11th grader in America I'd be a fifth form/ lower sixth/ year 12 in England so how many total years of school would I have left? In America I'd finish this grade go to 12th grade and then hit about 4 years of college, so five years in total. Legally how could/ would I stay there? Neither of my parents would come with me and I know no one in England, I have family in Germany and that's the closest even as friends. Would I have to fill out legal papers for that, if so what? Could I even stay there for a full school year, because somewhere I read I could only stay for six months? How old to you have to be to drive there? And how old to work? Chances are I'd have to work. Financially why is it so expensive to go to school in England, for me in America it's free 'til I hit college, then again I go to public school. Would my family be able to get assistance with paying for school, like a scholarship? Do a lot of British people even go to British boarding schools or is it all people from separate countries? Any tips or concerns you have for a teenage girl leaving home to go to school in a place literally foreign to her? Do you think I should go? Any boarding school suggestions? Thank you so much, almost anything will be helpful -Note: I have asked this question many times but each time I get new and useful answers
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
You can't do this sensibly. Our education system has two years at the end which depend massively on one another. You can't just come and do upper sixth - you won't have any AS results. You certainly wouldn't get a scholarship as they would all have been allocated in the previous year. No boarding school would let you work. You have to be 17 to drive. Boarding schools are not free in the US either. I'm afraid I pretty much started laughing when I got to the comments about the "British accent". Would that be Cockney, Scouse, Northern Irish...? Please take the rose coloured glasses off. No, it is not like in the movies. This is completely unrealistic. If you really want to come to the UK for a year, I recommend you go to a college which has a "junior year abroad" program.
2 :
It's not expensive to go to school in the UK, if you go to a NORMAL SCHOOL. Ordinary state schools are free. The vast majority of British children pay nothing for their school education. It's just the same as in the US - go to a private school, and you pay. Go to a state (or public) school and you don't pay. If you want to go to a boarding school, then of course you will to pay, because they are private schools - just like boarding schools in America. Scholarships are only offered to deserving (ie, extremely intelligent) British kids who have passed an entrance exam, not for American teenagers who just fancy taking a year's holiday in England. The only state (ie free) boarding places for schools in the UK are generally for children who live so far away from the nearest secondary school that they cannot travel there and back every day - so, pretty much only kids that live on remote islands in the Hebrides, Orkney or Shetland. Naturally, those school places are limited to those pupils who cannot manage without them, and you would usually be expected to go home at weekends anyway. Almost no British children go to boarding schools. They are few and far between and almost solely for the rich. You wouldn't be allowed to work if you were at boarding school. They don't just randomly let you out in the evenings or weekends. You are expected to be on school premises almost all the time. Also, you wouldn't have a work permit because you aren't a British citizen and you wouldn't have a working visa because you'd be here to study. I'm really sorry, but your impression of the UK is absurdly idealised. There's no such thing as 'a British accent', for a start. England and Britain are not the same thing. And no accent would you calm you down if it was telling you you had a parking ticket or that you were stupid or that you'd spilt someone's pint. The British are no more 'calming' than anyone else. (Football hooliganism, anyone?) It rains a lot less here than it does in America's Pacific North West. You have to be 17 to drive and you would need to pass a much tougher driving test than you would in America, and petrol (gas) is about five times the price here as it is in the US. You wouldn't be able to just start school in the Upper 6th (year 12) because you wouldn't be able to get a single qualification, because you wouldn't have done the first half of your A-levels and you'd have no GCSEs. You'd be leaving school with nothing. If you want to visit Britain, come for a holiday, or wait until you're ready for college and do an exchange programme where you get to spend a year here at university - that would be MUCH more feasible, not least because you'd be an adult by then. Why on earth do you think anyone would give you financial assistance to pay for you to come to school here? Don't you think that British schools might be more inclined to offer scholarships to British children? Why would a British school pay for you to study here? What are you going to give back? You'd study here and then move away again. You won't be contributing anything to society whatsoever. Your parents aren't even UK taxpayers!
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
What is 'College' in the UK? Is it like high school or university
What is 'College' in the UK? Is it like high school or university?
I'm a fan of Skins (I'm from Australia) and the characters go to Roundview College? Is College in the UK like high school? In Australia we have primary school up until grade 7 (grade six in Victoria) and then after primary is high school which goes up until grade 12... and then University... SOOO what is College? I'm so confused.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Here in the UK college is like High School, but some people still call Uni college (which is probably why it's confusing) so in the first series of Skins they're 16/17, and in the second series they're 17/18. Just to add, we're not all sex mad party animals in the UK, watch the Inbetweeners for a more realistic view of college in the UK.
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I'm a fan of Skins (I'm from Australia) and the characters go to Roundview College? Is College in the UK like high school? In Australia we have primary school up until grade 7 (grade six in Victoria) and then after primary is high school which goes up until grade 12... and then University... SOOO what is College? I'm so confused.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Here in the UK college is like High School, but some people still call Uni college (which is probably why it's confusing) so in the first series of Skins they're 16/17, and in the second series they're 17/18. Just to add, we're not all sex mad party animals in the UK, watch the Inbetweeners for a more realistic view of college in the UK.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Can you help with everything I'd need to know when switching from an American school system to the UK school
Can you help with everything I'd need to know when switching from an American school system to the UK school?
Here's the deal I hate my life as is and I'm simply tired of waiting around for something to happen to me. Since my family simply doesn't want to move, I thought of boarding school which lead me to boarding school in England. On my bucket list I have live in England for a year, and that would be crossed off it I went to school there, plus I'd get away from this place I hate while my family could stay here. Obviously I'd miss my family a lot but I've lost all my friends {because I've moved seven times before} and the ones I've made here sadly aren't much different so I wouldn't miss them much. For some reason listening to British accents calms me down and I love the rain, as far as I know it rains a ton in England. My parents also worry about how shy I am, if they aren't there I'd have to take charge for myself but I'd also have to live under the schools watch and I'm not sure how strict that is, plus I've never had to share a room with anyone before. And that's the basics. I've been told that because I'm an 11th grader in America I'd be a fifth form/ lower sixth/ year 12 in England so how many total years of school would I have left? In America I'd finish this grade go to 12th grade and then hit about 4 years of college, so five years in total. Legally how could/ would I stay there? Neither of my parents would come with me and I know no one in England, I have family in Germany and that's the closest even as friends. Would I have to fill out legal papers for that, if so what? Could I even stay there for a full school year, because somewhere I read I could only stay for six months? How old to you have to be to drive there? And how old to work? Chances are I'd have to work. Financially why is it so expensive to go to school in England, for me in America it's free 'til I hit college, then again I go to public school. Would my family be able to get assistance with paying for school, like a scholarship? Do a lot of British people even go to British boarding schools or is it all people from separate countries? Any tips or concerns you have for a teenage girl leaving home to go to school in a place literally foreign to her? Do you think I should go? Any boarding school suggestions? Thank you so much, almost anything will be helpful
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You would go into year 12/lower sixth which is English 'college' you would spend 2 years at the school finishing in year 13. After that people go to university. You would be able to stay at a boarding school as an international student without your parents, but you would have to contact the school and find out if it is possible to attend without a parental meeting or similar. Legal papers etc is usually a contract your parents would need to sign and appropriate visa/student papers which the school would help with. You start learning to drive at 17 in England and you can work at that age too. You think schools in England are expensive because boarding schools are usually private fee-paying schools, whereas the free high school you spoke of is a state school in England and is also free to attend. Your family would not get financial assistance as you are not a British citizen and so do not pay taxes to England which means you are not eligible for any kind of benefit. A scholarship is possible if you ask the particular school but it is competitive and normally you would need to apply well in advance. British people do go to boarding schools but usually not many, alot of people are from other countries. If the school has boarding facilities but is also a day school then chances are there will be a large number of british people also. I would say that many boarding schools nowadays are not so strict and have a very 'family' feel to it to make you feel more at home. I think you should go if your parents agree and that you are definitely sure about your decision. After all, it is a long way and you may become homesick. Once you have made friends though i'm sure you will enjoy your time there. hoped this helped and good luck!
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Here's the deal I hate my life as is and I'm simply tired of waiting around for something to happen to me. Since my family simply doesn't want to move, I thought of boarding school which lead me to boarding school in England. On my bucket list I have live in England for a year, and that would be crossed off it I went to school there, plus I'd get away from this place I hate while my family could stay here. Obviously I'd miss my family a lot but I've lost all my friends {because I've moved seven times before} and the ones I've made here sadly aren't much different so I wouldn't miss them much. For some reason listening to British accents calms me down and I love the rain, as far as I know it rains a ton in England. My parents also worry about how shy I am, if they aren't there I'd have to take charge for myself but I'd also have to live under the schools watch and I'm not sure how strict that is, plus I've never had to share a room with anyone before. And that's the basics. I've been told that because I'm an 11th grader in America I'd be a fifth form/ lower sixth/ year 12 in England so how many total years of school would I have left? In America I'd finish this grade go to 12th grade and then hit about 4 years of college, so five years in total. Legally how could/ would I stay there? Neither of my parents would come with me and I know no one in England, I have family in Germany and that's the closest even as friends. Would I have to fill out legal papers for that, if so what? Could I even stay there for a full school year, because somewhere I read I could only stay for six months? How old to you have to be to drive there? And how old to work? Chances are I'd have to work. Financially why is it so expensive to go to school in England, for me in America it's free 'til I hit college, then again I go to public school. Would my family be able to get assistance with paying for school, like a scholarship? Do a lot of British people even go to British boarding schools or is it all people from separate countries? Any tips or concerns you have for a teenage girl leaving home to go to school in a place literally foreign to her? Do you think I should go? Any boarding school suggestions? Thank you so much, almost anything will be helpful
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You would go into year 12/lower sixth which is English 'college' you would spend 2 years at the school finishing in year 13. After that people go to university. You would be able to stay at a boarding school as an international student without your parents, but you would have to contact the school and find out if it is possible to attend without a parental meeting or similar. Legal papers etc is usually a contract your parents would need to sign and appropriate visa/student papers which the school would help with. You start learning to drive at 17 in England and you can work at that age too. You think schools in England are expensive because boarding schools are usually private fee-paying schools, whereas the free high school you spoke of is a state school in England and is also free to attend. Your family would not get financial assistance as you are not a British citizen and so do not pay taxes to England which means you are not eligible for any kind of benefit. A scholarship is possible if you ask the particular school but it is competitive and normally you would need to apply well in advance. British people do go to boarding schools but usually not many, alot of people are from other countries. If the school has boarding facilities but is also a day school then chances are there will be a large number of british people also. I would say that many boarding schools nowadays are not so strict and have a very 'family' feel to it to make you feel more at home. I think you should go if your parents agree and that you are definitely sure about your decision. After all, it is a long way and you may become homesick. Once you have made friends though i'm sure you will enjoy your time there. hoped this helped and good luck!
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice?
I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 male)
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
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yeah they r
2 :
I'm English and just to warn you, I'm 13 and i think I'm nice, but some girls aren't so nice. Just don't encourage them and you'll be fine, but it also depends on where you go... what school are you gonna go to? Where i go, most of the girls are nice but there's just a few that are real b****s. Good Luck x
3 :
i have been to UK twice and in my opinion, British girls are very fun. Most of them have their life together unlike many American girls. They don't give in easily and one can actually have a fun conversation with them, which is kinda 50/50 in America. I am sure you will have a good time. I would suggest that you join a lot of extra curricular activities and grow a big social circle. You will not only get the girls but will also have fun. Good luck
4 :
yes they are some of the most nicest girls there
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I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 male)
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
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1 :
yeah they r
2 :
I'm English and just to warn you, I'm 13 and i think I'm nice, but some girls aren't so nice. Just don't encourage them and you'll be fine, but it also depends on where you go... what school are you gonna go to? Where i go, most of the girls are nice but there's just a few that are real b****s. Good Luck x
3 :
i have been to UK twice and in my opinion, British girls are very fun. Most of them have their life together unlike many American girls. They don't give in easily and one can actually have a fun conversation with them, which is kinda 50/50 in America. I am sure you will have a good time. I would suggest that you join a lot of extra curricular activities and grow a big social circle. You will not only get the girls but will also have fun. Good luck
4 :
yes they are some of the most nicest girls there
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
What is college life like compared to high school life in the UK
What is college life like compared to high school life in the UK?
High School sucks, Is college any different?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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college different you get treated like an adult there is no detention no lines it is brill !!!!go for it!!!!
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High School sucks, Is college any different?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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college different you get treated like an adult there is no detention no lines it is brill !!!!go for it!!!!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
if anyone in UK wears a school uniform, this means that everyone knows how to make tie knot
if anyone in UK wears a school uniform, this means that everyone knows how to make tie knot?
I have got no idea how to tie a necktie, not even my neighbour, no one. so if kids and teenagers in England keep wearing school uniforms and a tie, they know how to make a tie knot? cause as kids we were always playing adults but no one ever knew how to make a tie knot, so we did some regular knot.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Good question! I suppose it's possible that they simply wear clip-on neckties (which require no tying whatsoever). However, tying a necktie really isn't any more difficult than tying shoelaces, which we learn at a very young age... it's just that, for those of us that grew up in non-uniformed schools, there was no reason for us to learn how to tie a necktie at that same age. I didn't learn how to tie a necktie until sometime in middle school, when we all had to wear nice outfits for a fancy school ceremony. I can remember all of us boys standing in the hallway behind the auditorium struggling in unison with our ties... But now that I know how, I really do enjoy wearing (and tying!) ties. Some people really don't--it's a matter of personal taste, of course--but if you're interested in learning, click on the link below. It does take a bit of trial and error to get right (especially figuring out exactly how much longer around your neck the wide end needs to be hanging than the narrow end; the very first step!), but you'll get the hang of it in no time. Good luck!
I have got no idea how to tie a necktie, not even my neighbour, no one. so if kids and teenagers in England keep wearing school uniforms and a tie, they know how to make a tie knot? cause as kids we were always playing adults but no one ever knew how to make a tie knot, so we did some regular knot.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Good question! I suppose it's possible that they simply wear clip-on neckties (which require no tying whatsoever). However, tying a necktie really isn't any more difficult than tying shoelaces, which we learn at a very young age... it's just that, for those of us that grew up in non-uniformed schools, there was no reason for us to learn how to tie a necktie at that same age. I didn't learn how to tie a necktie until sometime in middle school, when we all had to wear nice outfits for a fancy school ceremony. I can remember all of us boys standing in the hallway behind the auditorium struggling in unison with our ties... But now that I know how, I really do enjoy wearing (and tying!) ties. Some people really don't--it's a matter of personal taste, of course--but if you're interested in learning, click on the link below. It does take a bit of trial and error to get right (especially figuring out exactly how much longer around your neck the wide end needs to be hanging than the narrow end; the very first step!), but you'll get the hang of it in no time. Good luck!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What qualifications do I need to be a TA or a Primary school teacher in the UK
What qualifications do I need to be a TA or a Primary school teacher in the UK?
Im doing a CACHE Level 3 Diploma at the moment and was wondering what other qualifications i will need to be a TA. I also am interested in going further to be a primary school teacher but im unsure of how many years study or what qualifications il have to go through to get there. If any one can help that will be great :)
Teaching - 1 Answers
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I am currently studying in the U.K. towards my Primary B.Ed degree. It's one of the most rewarding professions out there and I strongly recommend you push yourself to becomming a teacher. It's going to be a lot of hard graft as I'm sure you're aware but the rewards come back in double-time. I'm in year three of four on my course and absolutely love what I'm doing although as you would expect, you need to be dedicated and open to constructive criticism in your practice. Being a T.A. requires less time studying but also be aware that the level of pay reflects this factor. A T.A. will work closely alongside the classroom teacher involved in the day to day management of the classtoom and children as well as aiding pupils with their work. Very often, a T.A. is assigned to a special needs child within the class to work with and concentrate their efforts into motivating them. TAs work in primary, secondary and special schools. Obviously their roles vary depending on the types of school they work in, but generally they can be divided into the following four categories: Supporting children: supervising small groups of children while they work on a task, helping individual children with their work, listening to them read, helping develop their social skills. Supporting the teacher: handling routine classroom administrative duties, helping to manage pupil behaviour around the school, dealing with minor accidents, playground/lunchtime supervision. Supporting the curriculum: this might include supporting children using computers within the school, observing and recording children's progress, supporting children in specific areas of the curriculum. Supporting the school: working with parents and with other professionals. What qualifications will I need? At present no formal qualifications are required, although it can help you to get a job if you have previous experience of voluntary or paid work with children, or if you have completed one of the many courses for teaching assistants which exist across the UK. Most Local Education Authorities (LEAs) will ask new teaching assistants to undergo some form of induction training. This helps make sure they are familiar with the school and are clear about how to support teachers in the vital areas of numeracy, literacy and behaviour. Many schools and LEAs have a range of training programmes, some with external accreditation. These usually include an element of school-based training. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) at Levels 2 and 3 for teaching assistants based on the National Occupational Standards are also offered by some schools, LEAs and colleges. I once thought about becomming a T.A. rather than a class teacher as the hours are more flexible during term-time (i.e job shares are available as well as 3-day weeks). What swayed me was my time working in a classroom - I just admired the teacher I was assigned to :) You can opt for a 4-year fully-comprehensive degree course at uni resulting in a "Batchelor of Education" degree. This sounds like a long time but I can assure you it has FLOWN past. I have friends also who have gone for the PGCE course lasting a year but you need to have done a degree in something else, i.e. Drama first. I personally think you need the four years to build up your confidence in the classroom and to really get your head around the career. I needed a C grade at GCSE or equivalent in Maths, English and Science and other good grades are beneficial too. These are most important though. Also, I got into uni with CCD in my A-Levels, not the best grades in the world but they got me there! You don't have to have A-levels and your current diploma will stand you in a great place anyway. Usually you are invited to have a look around the uni, then given a quick interview to assess your experience and qualities. If you haven't had much classroom experience I would get out there and volunteer and get as much done as you can. It all helps and looks great on your entry. Good luck! Teaching is amazing. ***
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Im doing a CACHE Level 3 Diploma at the moment and was wondering what other qualifications i will need to be a TA. I also am interested in going further to be a primary school teacher but im unsure of how many years study or what qualifications il have to go through to get there. If any one can help that will be great :)
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
I am currently studying in the U.K. towards my Primary B.Ed degree. It's one of the most rewarding professions out there and I strongly recommend you push yourself to becomming a teacher. It's going to be a lot of hard graft as I'm sure you're aware but the rewards come back in double-time. I'm in year three of four on my course and absolutely love what I'm doing although as you would expect, you need to be dedicated and open to constructive criticism in your practice. Being a T.A. requires less time studying but also be aware that the level of pay reflects this factor. A T.A. will work closely alongside the classroom teacher involved in the day to day management of the classtoom and children as well as aiding pupils with their work. Very often, a T.A. is assigned to a special needs child within the class to work with and concentrate their efforts into motivating them. TAs work in primary, secondary and special schools. Obviously their roles vary depending on the types of school they work in, but generally they can be divided into the following four categories: Supporting children: supervising small groups of children while they work on a task, helping individual children with their work, listening to them read, helping develop their social skills. Supporting the teacher: handling routine classroom administrative duties, helping to manage pupil behaviour around the school, dealing with minor accidents, playground/lunchtime supervision. Supporting the curriculum: this might include supporting children using computers within the school, observing and recording children's progress, supporting children in specific areas of the curriculum. Supporting the school: working with parents and with other professionals. What qualifications will I need? At present no formal qualifications are required, although it can help you to get a job if you have previous experience of voluntary or paid work with children, or if you have completed one of the many courses for teaching assistants which exist across the UK. Most Local Education Authorities (LEAs) will ask new teaching assistants to undergo some form of induction training. This helps make sure they are familiar with the school and are clear about how to support teachers in the vital areas of numeracy, literacy and behaviour. Many schools and LEAs have a range of training programmes, some with external accreditation. These usually include an element of school-based training. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) at Levels 2 and 3 for teaching assistants based on the National Occupational Standards are also offered by some schools, LEAs and colleges. I once thought about becomming a T.A. rather than a class teacher as the hours are more flexible during term-time (i.e job shares are available as well as 3-day weeks). What swayed me was my time working in a classroom - I just admired the teacher I was assigned to :) You can opt for a 4-year fully-comprehensive degree course at uni resulting in a "Batchelor of Education" degree. This sounds like a long time but I can assure you it has FLOWN past. I have friends also who have gone for the PGCE course lasting a year but you need to have done a degree in something else, i.e. Drama first. I personally think you need the four years to build up your confidence in the classroom and to really get your head around the career. I needed a C grade at GCSE or equivalent in Maths, English and Science and other good grades are beneficial too. These are most important though. Also, I got into uni with CCD in my A-Levels, not the best grades in the world but they got me there! You don't have to have A-levels and your current diploma will stand you in a great place anyway. Usually you are invited to have a look around the uni, then given a quick interview to assess your experience and qualities. If you haven't had much classroom experience I would get out there and volunteer and get as much done as you can. It all helps and looks great on your entry. Good luck! Teaching is amazing. ***
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Leaving school at 16 (UK), what can I do and how could I move to spain
Leaving school at 16 (UK), what can I do and how could I move to spain?
I've decided when i leave school in just over a years time instead of staying in the UK and going to college I want to go straight to spain and work there? Would that work? I'm also interested in being a hotel rep? But any types of jobs or anything I could do or suggestions please thankyou
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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OK you have done absoloutly no research have you? Where are you going to live? Do you speak the language? Why shpuld someone hire you instead of someone else? Go to college first.
I've decided when i leave school in just over a years time instead of staying in the UK and going to college I want to go straight to spain and work there? Would that work? I'm also interested in being a hotel rep? But any types of jobs or anything I could do or suggestions please thankyou
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
OK you have done absoloutly no research have you? Where are you going to live? Do you speak the language? Why shpuld someone hire you instead of someone else? Go to college first.
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Monday, October 24, 2011
which is the better graphic design school in uk, i am from INDIA,and want to go abroad..for it..
which is the better graphic design school in uk, i am from INDIA,and want to go abroad..for it..?
where can i find good graphic design school at low costs.. .what qualifications i need for it...
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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i found one site try this it's help you to find a school in united kingdom
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where can i find good graphic design school at low costs.. .what qualifications i need for it...
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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i found one site try this it's help you to find a school in united kingdom
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Medical school in UK with minimum entry requirements
Medical school in UK with minimum entry requirements?
any1 know of a medical school that doesnt require abnormally high grades for admission?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I hope this helps.$FILE/InsideGuideChap3.pdf Regarding grades, you're going to have to research that yourself. Your best bet is to speak with your college adviser. I know in the US organizations publish plenty of books analyzing different medical schools and their selectivity. Go to bookstore and see if there is anything equivalent to the UK. They should contain stats on various med schools to help in your decision making. Good luck!
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any1 know of a medical school that doesnt require abnormally high grades for admission?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I hope this helps.$FILE/InsideGuideChap3.pdf Regarding grades, you're going to have to research that yourself. Your best bet is to speak with your college adviser. I know in the US organizations publish plenty of books analyzing different medical schools and their selectivity. Go to bookstore and see if there is anything equivalent to the UK. They should contain stats on various med schools to help in your decision making. Good luck!
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Saturday, October 8, 2011
Where is a good kung fu school in Suffolk UK
Where is a good kung fu school in Suffolk UK?
I'm relocating to the Suffolk UK area, and I'm looking for a good, traditional kung fu school. One that isn't too far (i.e. less than a 30 minute drive).
Martial Arts - 1 Answers
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1 :
104 Pot Kiln Road Gt Cornard Sudbury Suffolk CYK Kung Fu
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I'm relocating to the Suffolk UK area, and I'm looking for a good, traditional kung fu school. One that isn't too far (i.e. less than a 30 minute drive).
Martial Arts - 1 Answers
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1 :
104 Pot Kiln Road Gt Cornard Sudbury Suffolk CYK Kung Fu
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
I want to move to UK after high school & want to attend college and work.How do I get the paperwork to do this
I want to move to UK after high school & want to attend college and work.How do I get the paperwork to do this?
After high school i want to move to the London England to attend college.I would also like to work and start my life and journey in persueing my dreams of becomming an actress,singer,writer. What papers do I need to do this, and how do I get them? THANK U
London - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
u just apply to london colleges and see if they accept u... if they dont, stay in america.
2 :
Just show up. We let anyone in.
3 :
dont know
4 :
Get into to college first. after that go to the nearest British Embassy or, preferably, check the website for the embassy and see what you need to do. To go to Spain the embassy answered all of my questions
5 :
Contact the UK consulate nearest you, or the Embassy. They'll be able to tell you what the requirements are. You aren't going to get into the UK as anything other than a tourist unless you're accepted to university first, so you might want to start out by finding out about schools in Greater London, and which one interests you, and the requirements for entrance. Work permits are iffy--you'd be better off directing this question to the Embassy. They may have a program where they allow college kids to work. No offense, but if you really want to become (one M, FWIW) an actress/singer/writer, London isn't the FIRST place people go to do that sort of thing. The Mecca for that is Los Angeles, actually, for film work, and New York for the dying stage. The people who have reached the PINNACLE in London run like hell to...CALIFORNIA. It's only old has-beens like Madonna who head for London....hoping that the paparazzi will follow her to boost her sagging career.....and now that she's dumped that husband, she'll be off to somewhere with a warmer climate for her older bones....and fresher meat....
6 :
For starters you need a valid American passport. Next apply for a VISA (not a credit card). Have all your school paper work (records) copied, get the colleges entrance paper work completed. If they will accept you get it in writing and keep it with all your required legal docuemnts. Never give out originals, certified copies only if necessary, never give out an original document. Gurad your documents carefully to prevent identity theft, etc. Have a secure place of residence in advance and be able to prove it before you enter the country. Be able to prove finanical responsibility. Talk to British and American immigration offices here in the US and they will guide you through the system. If possible find a friend in England, someone who lives there and can discuss issues with you. Pick you up at Heathrow Airport and get you to your new place of residence quickly and safely. If you've never been there and can afford it, take a trip there and sort of learn you're way around. They speak english but they are a lot different than Americans. If you can you're better off living and learning in Ireland, things are better and cheaper and the people are a 100 times more friendly. And if you can manage it, live on the east coast of Ireland, Waterford, etc., it's a quick cheap ferry ride to England. Check it out carefully before you make the actual move. Leaving your own country and living in a foreign land is not what you think it might be just because they speak the same language.
7 :
dont know dont care just tryin to get points
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After high school i want to move to the London England to attend college.I would also like to work and start my life and journey in persueing my dreams of becomming an actress,singer,writer. What papers do I need to do this, and how do I get them? THANK U
London - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
u just apply to london colleges and see if they accept u... if they dont, stay in america.
2 :
Just show up. We let anyone in.
3 :
dont know
4 :
Get into to college first. after that go to the nearest British Embassy or, preferably, check the website for the embassy and see what you need to do. To go to Spain the embassy answered all of my questions
5 :
Contact the UK consulate nearest you, or the Embassy. They'll be able to tell you what the requirements are. You aren't going to get into the UK as anything other than a tourist unless you're accepted to university first, so you might want to start out by finding out about schools in Greater London, and which one interests you, and the requirements for entrance. Work permits are iffy--you'd be better off directing this question to the Embassy. They may have a program where they allow college kids to work. No offense, but if you really want to become (one M, FWIW) an actress/singer/writer, London isn't the FIRST place people go to do that sort of thing. The Mecca for that is Los Angeles, actually, for film work, and New York for the dying stage. The people who have reached the PINNACLE in London run like hell to...CALIFORNIA. It's only old has-beens like Madonna who head for London....hoping that the paparazzi will follow her to boost her sagging career.....and now that she's dumped that husband, she'll be off to somewhere with a warmer climate for her older bones....and fresher meat....
6 :
For starters you need a valid American passport. Next apply for a VISA (not a credit card). Have all your school paper work (records) copied, get the colleges entrance paper work completed. If they will accept you get it in writing and keep it with all your required legal docuemnts. Never give out originals, certified copies only if necessary, never give out an original document. Gurad your documents carefully to prevent identity theft, etc. Have a secure place of residence in advance and be able to prove it before you enter the country. Be able to prove finanical responsibility. Talk to British and American immigration offices here in the US and they will guide you through the system. If possible find a friend in England, someone who lives there and can discuss issues with you. Pick you up at Heathrow Airport and get you to your new place of residence quickly and safely. If you've never been there and can afford it, take a trip there and sort of learn you're way around. They speak english but they are a lot different than Americans. If you can you're better off living and learning in Ireland, things are better and cheaper and the people are a 100 times more friendly. And if you can manage it, live on the east coast of Ireland, Waterford, etc., it's a quick cheap ferry ride to England. Check it out carefully before you make the actual move. Leaving your own country and living in a foreign land is not what you think it might be just because they speak the same language.
7 :
dont know dont care just tryin to get points
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Saturday, September 24, 2011
How is Brighton and Sussex Medical School
How is Brighton and Sussex Medical School?
I have been thinking about srudying medical school in UK. And also checked out much information about them. I know the top three but I also wonder how is BEMS. I found it a rather newly-founded school, making me wonder the credentials and capacity. One of my Brit friends told me that many recently are investing money in this institute. So I hope someone can help me here. On top of that, I also wonder what applications i am supposed to prepare and the standards that I should meet as well. I am student, already a medical student but am not quite satisfied with the medical education here, from outside European Union. And it makes me wonder how much it is going to cost me. I have search for the question I am right now launching but the range of the results vary a great deal. Thanks a lot!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Good Luck!
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I have been thinking about srudying medical school in UK. And also checked out much information about them. I know the top three but I also wonder how is BEMS. I found it a rather newly-founded school, making me wonder the credentials and capacity. One of my Brit friends told me that many recently are investing money in this institute. So I hope someone can help me here. On top of that, I also wonder what applications i am supposed to prepare and the standards that I should meet as well. I am student, already a medical student but am not quite satisfied with the medical education here, from outside European Union. And it makes me wonder how much it is going to cost me. I have search for the question I am right now launching but the range of the results vary a great deal. Thanks a lot!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Good Luck!
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Lesson Change:UK School Question
Lesson Change:UK School Question?
Right My Question Is About Me , Basically I'm In My Last Year Of School (Year11) And I Have A Huge Problem I Dont Like My Lesson Food Technology In Year 10 I Pleaded The Teacher To Change It But She Said No .. Now When I Say Can I Change It Now They Say " You Should Of Done That In Year 10 , NO!" . I Have Grave Difficulty's In The Lesson With The Teacher She Is Consistently Refereeing To Me As The Person Who Does That She Continues To Make Stuff Up If Not Up Then Stretches Matters Like For Example Im Part Of The NFTE Business Enterprise And I Said " In January We Will Need Your Kitchens" She Responded " No You Cant" I Said Why ... Blahh Thats Just A Long Story She Said That I Was Trying To Ruin Her Plans And I Was Acting As If I Ruled The School.. The Bottom Line Is Every Lesson I Have Her There Is A Problem And If I Continue To Stay In It Im Going To Get PermanentlyExcludeded! Is There Any LoopHole. , Way I Can Get The Teachers To Change It PLease Help Me !!! (Easy 10 Point Answer)
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
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1 :
I've tried, I've read it over twice, and I still have no idea what your question is
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Right My Question Is About Me , Basically I'm In My Last Year Of School (Year11) And I Have A Huge Problem I Dont Like My Lesson Food Technology In Year 10 I Pleaded The Teacher To Change It But She Said No .. Now When I Say Can I Change It Now They Say " You Should Of Done That In Year 10 , NO!" . I Have Grave Difficulty's In The Lesson With The Teacher She Is Consistently Refereeing To Me As The Person Who Does That She Continues To Make Stuff Up If Not Up Then Stretches Matters Like For Example Im Part Of The NFTE Business Enterprise And I Said " In January We Will Need Your Kitchens" She Responded " No You Cant" I Said Why ... Blahh Thats Just A Long Story She Said That I Was Trying To Ruin Her Plans And I Was Acting As If I Ruled The School.. The Bottom Line Is Every Lesson I Have Her There Is A Problem And If I Continue To Stay In It Im Going To Get PermanentlyExcludeded! Is There Any LoopHole. , Way I Can Get The Teachers To Change It PLease Help Me !!! (Easy 10 Point Answer)
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
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1 :
I've tried, I've read it over twice, and I still have no idea what your question is
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
What age would you think is ideal to enroll in etiquette or finishing school?
What age would you think is ideal to enroll in etiquette or finishing school?
I am considering this type of school at the moment. :) Any good finishing or etiquette schools in uk? Any thoughts and experiences of this kind of education? Thankyou x Also, are they worth the money?
Etiquette - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are old enough to even consider etiquette or finishing school, that's the right age to enroll!
2 :
Judging by some of the responses on this forum, I would say as early as possible; and continuing education should take place for a lifetime.
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I am considering this type of school at the moment. :) Any good finishing or etiquette schools in uk? Any thoughts and experiences of this kind of education? Thankyou x Also, are they worth the money?
Etiquette - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are old enough to even consider etiquette or finishing school, that's the right age to enroll!
2 :
Judging by some of the responses on this forum, I would say as early as possible; and continuing education should take place for a lifetime.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
is high school in America really that different from high school in the uk
is high school in America really that different from high school in the uk?
As I have never been to the USA and am from the UK is there really that many clicks e.g. jocks,nerds preps. or is it really all just over inflated by the media thanks
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
Yes it is pretty brutal but it is the same in the UK . See the movie "To Sir With Love"
2 :
It depends on the school you are at. Some are more like hat, while others aren't. :) they do hang out together but you don't usually see a whole lot of interaction between the groups (ie. Jocks picking on nerds) it does happen, but at my school it's isn't that bad :)
3 :
Depends on the school. My high school, everyone just blends in. Now, at my friends high school their is A LOT of clicks.
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As I have never been to the USA and am from the UK is there really that many clicks e.g. jocks,nerds preps. or is it really all just over inflated by the media thanks
Other - Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes it is pretty brutal but it is the same in the UK . See the movie "To Sir With Love"
2 :
It depends on the school you are at. Some are more like hat, while others aren't. :) they do hang out together but you don't usually see a whole lot of interaction between the groups (ie. Jocks picking on nerds) it does happen, but at my school it's isn't that bad :)
3 :
Depends on the school. My high school, everyone just blends in. Now, at my friends high school their is A LOT of clicks.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
UK: school pupils 'disciplined' for refusing to pray to Allah in NON Muslim school
UK: school pupils 'disciplined' for refusing to pray to Allah in NON Muslim school?
Isn't this going too far? ENDGAME - you MISunderstood the post and you call ME 'dummy'??? The point is: for some people it is idolatry to kneel to another deity. It should not be demanded that NON Muslim children pray to ALLAH.
Other - Politics & Government - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are joking??? My son would be removed from that school pronto
2 :
What? Isn't UK supposed to be a democratic country that does not force anyone to practice any religion?
3 :
Its kind of like America in reverse. Scary.
4 :
I don't understand what you are asking. Should we say it is going too far to discipline the students? Or are they going too far by refusing to pray in a Non-Muslim school? I would say that everyone is going too far. Frankly, I am sick of the problems caused by religion. I wish everyone would pray privately at home and stop inflicting their religious preferences on the rest of the world, be it Muslim, Christian or anyone else. All of this religious hatred does nothing but stir up trouble.
5 :
It is not about spirits and mythology, dummy. It is about teaching children self discipline and group cooperation. The Catholic nuns and the Jesuit Priests were once known for the same thing. Still, they produced great scholars and their students learned well. Far more effective than most today. Most of the information and data learned in high school and college is never put to use. Learning how to learn is very, very important, however. Without learning self discipline and the importance of cooperation, many become a burden to their families and society in general. With all its faults, it is a good thing. Hopefully, the will not become religious zealots and a problem to us all.
6 :
It is a logical outcome to state religion and religious instruction in state supported schools.
7 :
8 :
The more that Gorden Browns government takes money from the Islamofascists the more we will see this kind of thing increasing in Britain. If this had been my child I would have gone and given that teacher a lesson in manners, car park style. We had to take Christianity out of our schools because it offended these Islamofascists and now our children are being forced to pray to the god of a paedophile prophet. If they are indoctrinating our children into this false religion now then it is going to become law later, the time to fight back is now.
9 :
I am not racist, but to move to a country and force the land peoples and government to accept their laws (Shirah) and now forcing non-muslim students to participate in something they do not believe in is going too far. Had this happened to MY daughter who is nine she would not only be out of the school but I would be seeking them to pay for her to go to a private school where this will not happen. I am not British, I am American, but I live and abide by the laws put forth. I cannot understand if their ways are so much better then British law, why not go back to where their laws are accepted and the norm. I am not against the learning of other religions, but I am against forcing a child to pray to something they do not understand nor believe in.
10 :
I understand the lesson the school was attempting but I think it went too far. I refuse to kneel to anyone's "god". If I choose to attend a religious service and become part of the ritual then that is my choice but should not be "forced" on anyone.
11 :
This looks like typical disinformation rubbish. Firstly its accuracy is questionable. Secondly , factually it is questionable and thirdly, if the school wanted to instill some religious discipline then they are right to punish the brats. REASONS Allah is not a prophet but another name for God (there is one God) so people cant pick and choose which to worship. If Yahoo news does not know that simple difference then it should not publish such stories without checking its facts. Frankly I think its a con article. Baseless!
12 :
Sources at the school said the incident could have been down to Miss Phillips instigating a role play and not properly briefing the pupils, all aged around 12, what she was doing. A spokesman for Cheshire County Council said they were investigating. He added: "The headteacher contacted the authority immediately complaints were received. Enquiries are being made into the circumstances as a matter of urgency and all parents will be informed accordingly". "We accept that such teaching has to be conducted with commonsense and sensitivity."'refusing-to-pray-to-Allah'.html
13 :
If the kids were diciplined to pray to God in a Non catholic school..I'd be pissed too
14 :
Hello Paperback Writer, That does not surprise me one bit. I am in Montreal for the summer, and I am astonished at how many more Muslims live here since the last time I visited two years ago. My sister tells me that Muslims insist on being part of every city council in the Montreal area. They are enforcing school laws where all Muslim girls must cover their heads in order to attend school - even if they are not religious. If people do not act now, Muslims will end up ruling the world - as they intend to. Sincerely, Ms. Miche ; })
15 :
Allah was a fictional pagan arab moon god to whom I will never pray. Yes, it is going to far and I would not comply with this evil. Jesus Akbar!
16 :
My children worship God Almighty,the Father of Jesus Christ. I have taught them to be proud of their religion and they know that they would be backed by me if they needed to physically defend their religion. They know that sometimes the price of their religion can be very high but I realise that the jolly do-gooders will sacrifice Jesus willingly again and again because they are not Christians but wolves in sheeps clothing. No-one will force my children to worship another god let alone be disciplined for refusing to worship another. We should all go down to that school and start defending our rights because the Government and their leftist,commie,jolly do-gooders certainly will not and will always choose to put true Brits last. I would tar and feather the head teacher. I will fly the union jack. I will eat pig during ramadaan.We should be praying to our Christian God in schools. I am also sick and tired of these ninja turtles walking around so we can't see their faces. Are they that ugly? Don't worry,we can handle it-look at the cabinet-we have some real trolls there.Boycott their business.Freeze them out. Don't sell property to them. Burn their flags in public. We should be allowed to chant: Burn islam burn,like they chant burn Britain burn. The archbishop is trying to cross a river without getting wet,appeasing the muslims at every turn. We are infidels in their eyes-worse than pig$hit.
17 :
How many times do you have to ASK the SAME question. What are you trying to portray. We all know your a Jew, Is that it... you trying to give Muslims a bad name?
18 :
I actually go to that school. That teacher's a right wierd bitch. But yeah, when I was that age my class was made to do a similar thing, but no-one complained about that.
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Isn't this going too far? ENDGAME - you MISunderstood the post and you call ME 'dummy'??? The point is: for some people it is idolatry to kneel to another deity. It should not be demanded that NON Muslim children pray to ALLAH.
Other - Politics & Government - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are joking??? My son would be removed from that school pronto
2 :
What? Isn't UK supposed to be a democratic country that does not force anyone to practice any religion?
3 :
Its kind of like America in reverse. Scary.
4 :
I don't understand what you are asking. Should we say it is going too far to discipline the students? Or are they going too far by refusing to pray in a Non-Muslim school? I would say that everyone is going too far. Frankly, I am sick of the problems caused by religion. I wish everyone would pray privately at home and stop inflicting their religious preferences on the rest of the world, be it Muslim, Christian or anyone else. All of this religious hatred does nothing but stir up trouble.
5 :
It is not about spirits and mythology, dummy. It is about teaching children self discipline and group cooperation. The Catholic nuns and the Jesuit Priests were once known for the same thing. Still, they produced great scholars and their students learned well. Far more effective than most today. Most of the information and data learned in high school and college is never put to use. Learning how to learn is very, very important, however. Without learning self discipline and the importance of cooperation, many become a burden to their families and society in general. With all its faults, it is a good thing. Hopefully, the will not become religious zealots and a problem to us all.
6 :
It is a logical outcome to state religion and religious instruction in state supported schools.
7 :
8 :
The more that Gorden Browns government takes money from the Islamofascists the more we will see this kind of thing increasing in Britain. If this had been my child I would have gone and given that teacher a lesson in manners, car park style. We had to take Christianity out of our schools because it offended these Islamofascists and now our children are being forced to pray to the god of a paedophile prophet. If they are indoctrinating our children into this false religion now then it is going to become law later, the time to fight back is now.
9 :
I am not racist, but to move to a country and force the land peoples and government to accept their laws (Shirah) and now forcing non-muslim students to participate in something they do not believe in is going too far. Had this happened to MY daughter who is nine she would not only be out of the school but I would be seeking them to pay for her to go to a private school where this will not happen. I am not British, I am American, but I live and abide by the laws put forth. I cannot understand if their ways are so much better then British law, why not go back to where their laws are accepted and the norm. I am not against the learning of other religions, but I am against forcing a child to pray to something they do not understand nor believe in.
10 :
I understand the lesson the school was attempting but I think it went too far. I refuse to kneel to anyone's "god". If I choose to attend a religious service and become part of the ritual then that is my choice but should not be "forced" on anyone.
11 :
This looks like typical disinformation rubbish. Firstly its accuracy is questionable. Secondly , factually it is questionable and thirdly, if the school wanted to instill some religious discipline then they are right to punish the brats. REASONS Allah is not a prophet but another name for God (there is one God) so people cant pick and choose which to worship. If Yahoo news does not know that simple difference then it should not publish such stories without checking its facts. Frankly I think its a con article. Baseless!
12 :
Sources at the school said the incident could have been down to Miss Phillips instigating a role play and not properly briefing the pupils, all aged around 12, what she was doing. A spokesman for Cheshire County Council said they were investigating. He added: "The headteacher contacted the authority immediately complaints were received. Enquiries are being made into the circumstances as a matter of urgency and all parents will be informed accordingly". "We accept that such teaching has to be conducted with commonsense and sensitivity."'refusing-to-pray-to-Allah'.html
13 :
If the kids were diciplined to pray to God in a Non catholic school..I'd be pissed too
14 :
Hello Paperback Writer, That does not surprise me one bit. I am in Montreal for the summer, and I am astonished at how many more Muslims live here since the last time I visited two years ago. My sister tells me that Muslims insist on being part of every city council in the Montreal area. They are enforcing school laws where all Muslim girls must cover their heads in order to attend school - even if they are not religious. If people do not act now, Muslims will end up ruling the world - as they intend to. Sincerely, Ms. Miche ; })
15 :
Allah was a fictional pagan arab moon god to whom I will never pray. Yes, it is going to far and I would not comply with this evil. Jesus Akbar!
16 :
My children worship God Almighty,the Father of Jesus Christ. I have taught them to be proud of their religion and they know that they would be backed by me if they needed to physically defend their religion. They know that sometimes the price of their religion can be very high but I realise that the jolly do-gooders will sacrifice Jesus willingly again and again because they are not Christians but wolves in sheeps clothing. No-one will force my children to worship another god let alone be disciplined for refusing to worship another. We should all go down to that school and start defending our rights because the Government and their leftist,commie,jolly do-gooders certainly will not and will always choose to put true Brits last. I would tar and feather the head teacher. I will fly the union jack. I will eat pig during ramadaan.We should be praying to our Christian God in schools. I am also sick and tired of these ninja turtles walking around so we can't see their faces. Are they that ugly? Don't worry,we can handle it-look at the cabinet-we have some real trolls there.Boycott their business.Freeze them out. Don't sell property to them. Burn their flags in public. We should be allowed to chant: Burn islam burn,like they chant burn Britain burn. The archbishop is trying to cross a river without getting wet,appeasing the muslims at every turn. We are infidels in their eyes-worse than pig$hit.
17 :
How many times do you have to ASK the SAME question. What are you trying to portray. We all know your a Jew, Is that it... you trying to give Muslims a bad name?
18 :
I actually go to that school. That teacher's a right wierd bitch. But yeah, when I was that age my class was made to do a similar thing, but no-one complained about that.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What do you have to go through to become a Primary school teacher in the Uk
What do you have to go through to become a Primary school teacher in the Uk?
I am in year 10 and have chosen my Gcse's which are Health and Social care and Ict, am i going through the right course? i really want to be a primary school teacher what qualifications should i have and what do i have to go through.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
Currently you need GCSEs grade C or above in English, maths, and science. ICT is also becoming increasingly important. Either a BEd Primary (Bachelor of Education) - 4year course or a three year degree along with a one year PGCE (post graduate certificate in education) - if studying full time, will take longer if part time. Good luck :)
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I am in year 10 and have chosen my Gcse's which are Health and Social care and Ict, am i going through the right course? i really want to be a primary school teacher what qualifications should i have and what do i have to go through.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
Currently you need GCSEs grade C or above in English, maths, and science. ICT is also becoming increasingly important. Either a BEd Primary (Bachelor of Education) - 4year course or a three year degree along with a one year PGCE (post graduate certificate in education) - if studying full time, will take longer if part time. Good luck :)
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Monday, August 8, 2011
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice?
I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well some are and some aren't. It's the same in most countries really. You get the nice quiet ones, the nice loud ones and then the loud outgoing ones. Take your pick
2 :
there is a lot of girls here, and they're all different. there's some attractive, some not, some nice, some not. theres a lot of different people :S
3 :
Most of the violent crimes in school are done by violent girl gangs. For thinking yourself attractive, you're likely to have half your face torn off on the first day. Have a nice time.
4 :
It's not as bitchy and cliquey as Hollywood films, is all I can say. Don't know if that's what American schools are really like, but the UK is different. You will have the piss taken out of you for being American though, trust. The accent and everything.
5 :
heya :) my name is Jack and im also a 15 year old boy, i am currently in a UK high school and my answer to you is that all the girls are different, some are really attractive but not sweet and some are really ugly but sweet, the hard thing to do is get a girl with a balance.... even if your the slightest bit attractive though, being new lots of girls will try and go for you, but some advice get to know them first and be nice to ALL the girls. so yes some girls are pretty and i wish you good look finding a girl for you :)
6 :
Hey :) It's like everywhere really there are some nice ones and some complete horrid ones and the same with the guys! People will be people anywhere and the accent may cause some teasing but it will go away in time and anyway, we had an american exchange at school and it didn't seem to matter to us girls! Good luck :)
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I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well some are and some aren't. It's the same in most countries really. You get the nice quiet ones, the nice loud ones and then the loud outgoing ones. Take your pick
2 :
there is a lot of girls here, and they're all different. there's some attractive, some not, some nice, some not. theres a lot of different people :S
3 :
Most of the violent crimes in school are done by violent girl gangs. For thinking yourself attractive, you're likely to have half your face torn off on the first day. Have a nice time.
4 :
It's not as bitchy and cliquey as Hollywood films, is all I can say. Don't know if that's what American schools are really like, but the UK is different. You will have the piss taken out of you for being American though, trust. The accent and everything.
5 :
heya :) my name is Jack and im also a 15 year old boy, i am currently in a UK high school and my answer to you is that all the girls are different, some are really attractive but not sweet and some are really ugly but sweet, the hard thing to do is get a girl with a balance.... even if your the slightest bit attractive though, being new lots of girls will try and go for you, but some advice get to know them first and be nice to ALL the girls. so yes some girls are pretty and i wish you good look finding a girl for you :)
6 :
Hey :) It's like everywhere really there are some nice ones and some complete horrid ones and the same with the guys! People will be people anywhere and the accent may cause some teasing but it will go away in time and anyway, we had an american exchange at school and it didn't seem to matter to us girls! Good luck :)
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Monday, August 1, 2011
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice?
I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well some are and some aren't. It's the same in most countries really. You get the nice quiet ones, the nice loud ones and then the loud outgoing ones. Take your pick
2 :
there is a lot of girls here, and they're all different. there's some attractive, some not, some nice, some not. theres a lot of different people :S
3 :
Most of the violent crimes in school are done by violent girl gangs. For thinking yourself attractive, you're likely to have half your face torn off on the first day. Have a nice time.
4 :
It's not as bitchy and cliquey as Hollywood films, is all I can say. Don't know if that's what American schools are really like, but the UK is different. You will have the piss taken out of you for being American though, trust. The accent and everything.
5 :
heya :) my name is Jack and im also a 15 year old boy, i am currently in a UK high school and my answer to you is that all the girls are different, some are really attractive but not sweet and some are really ugly but sweet, the hard thing to do is get a girl with a balance.... even if your the slightest bit attractive though, being new lots of girls will try and go for you, but some advice get to know them first and be nice to ALL the girls. so yes some girls are pretty and i wish you good look finding a girl for you :)
6 :
Hey :) It's like everywhere really there are some nice ones and some complete horrid ones and the same with the guys! People will be people anywhere and the accent may cause some teasing but it will go away in time and anyway, we had an american exchange at school and it didn't seem to matter to us girls! Good luck :)
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I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well some are and some aren't. It's the same in most countries really. You get the nice quiet ones, the nice loud ones and then the loud outgoing ones. Take your pick
2 :
there is a lot of girls here, and they're all different. there's some attractive, some not, some nice, some not. theres a lot of different people :S
3 :
Most of the violent crimes in school are done by violent girl gangs. For thinking yourself attractive, you're likely to have half your face torn off on the first day. Have a nice time.
4 :
It's not as bitchy and cliquey as Hollywood films, is all I can say. Don't know if that's what American schools are really like, but the UK is different. You will have the piss taken out of you for being American though, trust. The accent and everything.
5 :
heya :) my name is Jack and im also a 15 year old boy, i am currently in a UK high school and my answer to you is that all the girls are different, some are really attractive but not sweet and some are really ugly but sweet, the hard thing to do is get a girl with a balance.... even if your the slightest bit attractive though, being new lots of girls will try and go for you, but some advice get to know them first and be nice to ALL the girls. so yes some girls are pretty and i wish you good look finding a girl for you :)
6 :
Hey :) It's like everywhere really there are some nice ones and some complete horrid ones and the same with the guys! People will be people anywhere and the accent may cause some teasing but it will go away in time and anyway, we had an american exchange at school and it didn't seem to matter to us girls! Good luck :)
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice?
I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Some will be nice some won't just like everywhere else in the world.
2 :
3 :
Just like anywhere else in the world there's a mixture of pretty and not-so-pretty girls. but sometimes you know, it's not just about looks, lol, but you're not going to pay any attention to me saying that are you?
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I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Some will be nice some won't just like everywhere else in the world.
2 :
3 :
Just like anywhere else in the world there's a mixture of pretty and not-so-pretty girls. but sometimes you know, it's not just about looks, lol, but you're not going to pay any attention to me saying that are you?
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice
I will be going to high school in UK...are the girl's nice?
I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well I'm English, girls usually dig foreign guys tbh, well I do anyways, and my friends.. I wouldn't rush things when you get there though, get to know the girls (: x
2 :
you never know until you get there!
3 :
You can't pigeon hole thousands of girls just based on where they are from. They are as varied as wherever you're moving from. Some will be nice, others mean, some ugly, some pretty. It's impossible to just make on general statement about so many people and just asking this question seems a bit prejudice.
4 :
british girls are desperate
5 :
:L Lol, I'm from the UK and all the girls a really nice and there are a lot of really pretty ones too. british girls tend to LOVE american boys so, you should be fine :)
6 :
from what I saw in London the female situation in the uk is hurting badly man. It was rare to see a pretty girl in the city, I think theres something in the water or a lack of something in the water lol
7 :
I'm from the west midlands, the girls are bitchy there, there are many attractive girls just don't rush into things, and be careful because most ov em say they havent got a bf when they have and land you in shit street. Goodluck and welcome to the UK x
8 :
Girls are the same all over the world. The same as boys are. It's only the racial characteristic that is different. The main thing you must do is learn the way of the country you are moving to. Not the way anything was done in your own country. This applies to your whole way of life in a different country. Not just with girls.
9 :
well some of them are cheap and aggressive bitches. but to answer your question: there are nice girls and ugly girls in the UK, same with every country. if you live in the uptown areas they tend to be more attractive i dont know why, they just come across as more hotter
10 :
well i'm a west midland guy and let me just say the girls here are so varied man you got all types from looks to personalities but all of them dig oriental guys so ur pretty much in try not to be to mouthy unless you got something to back it upp with though because guys here don't think twice about giving you a kick in. nah i'm just trying to scare you it depends where you go british people are actually really accepting
11 :
Hey, Well, wherever you go in the UK, as with any country, there will be nice girls, and not so nice girls. There's always going to be 'pretty' girls, because everyone has different tastes, so yeah, you'll definitely find someone you like. Personally, I absolutely LOVE american accents, & I'm sure they'll be girls in the west midlands with the same opinion as me, so you've already got an advantage. Lots of girls love foreign guys aswell..if it doesn't work out in the midlands, come down and see us girls in the London/Southern towns! Haha. You'll be fine, you sound really nice. Good luck in the UK!
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I'm coming to UK soon and I was wondering if the girls are nice/sweet. (btw im 15 biracial male half white/Thai). Im going to be around west midlands and are they pretty? I have American accent and im attractive.
Singles & Dating - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well I'm English, girls usually dig foreign guys tbh, well I do anyways, and my friends.. I wouldn't rush things when you get there though, get to know the girls (: x
2 :
you never know until you get there!
3 :
You can't pigeon hole thousands of girls just based on where they are from. They are as varied as wherever you're moving from. Some will be nice, others mean, some ugly, some pretty. It's impossible to just make on general statement about so many people and just asking this question seems a bit prejudice.
4 :
british girls are desperate
5 :
:L Lol, I'm from the UK and all the girls a really nice and there are a lot of really pretty ones too. british girls tend to LOVE american boys so, you should be fine :)
6 :
from what I saw in London the female situation in the uk is hurting badly man. It was rare to see a pretty girl in the city, I think theres something in the water or a lack of something in the water lol
7 :
I'm from the west midlands, the girls are bitchy there, there are many attractive girls just don't rush into things, and be careful because most ov em say they havent got a bf when they have and land you in shit street. Goodluck and welcome to the UK x
8 :
Girls are the same all over the world. The same as boys are. It's only the racial characteristic that is different. The main thing you must do is learn the way of the country you are moving to. Not the way anything was done in your own country. This applies to your whole way of life in a different country. Not just with girls.
9 :
well some of them are cheap and aggressive bitches. but to answer your question: there are nice girls and ugly girls in the UK, same with every country. if you live in the uptown areas they tend to be more attractive i dont know why, they just come across as more hotter
10 :
well i'm a west midland guy and let me just say the girls here are so varied man you got all types from looks to personalities but all of them dig oriental guys so ur pretty much in try not to be to mouthy unless you got something to back it upp with though because guys here don't think twice about giving you a kick in. nah i'm just trying to scare you it depends where you go british people are actually really accepting
11 :
Hey, Well, wherever you go in the UK, as with any country, there will be nice girls, and not so nice girls. There's always going to be 'pretty' girls, because everyone has different tastes, so yeah, you'll definitely find someone you like. Personally, I absolutely LOVE american accents, & I'm sure they'll be girls in the west midlands with the same opinion as me, so you've already got an advantage. Lots of girls love foreign guys aswell..if it doesn't work out in the midlands, come down and see us girls in the London/Southern towns! Haha. You'll be fine, you sound really nice. Good luck in the UK!
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Friday, July 8, 2011
would a school in the uk let a year 10 student miss a day to go to a wedding
would a school in the uk let a year 10 student miss a day to go to a wedding?
i VERY rarely miss a day. i will want to be missing a day in february to go to a wedding. my cousin is getting married. would i be allowed?
Other - Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't see why not.
2 :
they are that strict? just call in sick
3 :
just go ask how the hell do we know
4 :
If you have a letter from your parents saying that s where your going to be and your not just going on the duck then yea!
5 :
get your parents to phone the school and explain why you need a day off but check with your holiday chart first as it may fall in half term.
6 :
should do, the normal let you off for funerals and weddings, just make sure you have nothing important on that day and tell your teachers u'll catch up what you missed!
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i VERY rarely miss a day. i will want to be missing a day in february to go to a wedding. my cousin is getting married. would i be allowed?
Other - Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't see why not.
2 :
they are that strict? just call in sick
3 :
just go ask how the hell do we know
4 :
If you have a letter from your parents saying that s where your going to be and your not just going on the duck then yea!
5 :
get your parents to phone the school and explain why you need a day off but check with your holiday chart first as it may fall in half term.
6 :
should do, the normal let you off for funerals and weddings, just make sure you have nothing important on that day and tell your teachers u'll catch up what you missed!
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Friday, July 1, 2011
Where can I find a school bag? (UK)
Where can I find a school bag? (UK)?
I'm looking for a school bag, so it should be good sized, but also pretty and reasonably priced. I'd rather a messenger-bag type, (across the body), but with the stress on it being pretty - maybe floral or something. Does this exist?! I'm looking for a shop in the UK which isn't that expensive! Max £25 or something. Thanks!! :D
Fashion & Accessories - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
schuh;) heres some: hope i helped:)
2 :
You can get one on: American Eagle But they are all expensive, how about try on: there are various bags, such as handbags,backpacks, messenger bags and so on.the more item you order, the more discount you will get. If you order 5 items, you can pay wholesale price (any item you can mixed). It only cost you a little money and free shipping, i have bought and it is good quality bags, I like it very much! Hope you like it.
3 :
look here you can find a lot of name brand products with high quality but low prices.
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I'm looking for a school bag, so it should be good sized, but also pretty and reasonably priced. I'd rather a messenger-bag type, (across the body), but with the stress on it being pretty - maybe floral or something. Does this exist?! I'm looking for a shop in the UK which isn't that expensive! Max £25 or something. Thanks!! :D
Fashion & Accessories - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
schuh;) heres some: hope i helped:)
2 :
You can get one on: American Eagle But they are all expensive, how about try on: there are various bags, such as handbags,backpacks, messenger bags and so on.the more item you order, the more discount you will get. If you order 5 items, you can pay wholesale price (any item you can mixed). It only cost you a little money and free shipping, i have bought and it is good quality bags, I like it very much! Hope you like it.
3 :
look here you can find a lot of name brand products with high quality but low prices.
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Friday, June 24, 2011
How is boarding school life in the UK and the USA these days
How is boarding school life in the UK and the USA these days?
I'm writing a story set in my mum's school, Westminster, but I feel that not she nor I have enough experience with boarders to write a realistic story. Any simple information, social information, etc., on boarding schools would be adored. (google isn't doing much, LOL.) OHMAHGAAHHH this is EVERYTHING I needed. Thank god. I love you so much. YOU ARE MY SAVIOUR. :D You totally deserve the 10 points you're getting.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
I went to a boarding school ( ENGLAND ) I HATED IT ! I lasted a whole term - i think you call them semesters. Wellll basically: There is about 3 -5 people in a dorm You get woken up by your House Mistress ( basically a teacher who acts like a mother figure in the house ) You go down to breakfast with the other boarders - usually something like cold sausages and luke warm milk and cereal. Then you have lessons Then you have break where you eat LOADS OF TOAST :) Then you have more lessons Then you have lunch where you get to socialise with your friends Then at my school we had this thing called carosel which is basically where your divided into groups within your year group and do a random activity that you don't get to choose, e.g fencing, self defence, photography etc. Then you have lessons Then you have sport Then you have dinner Then you have prep - where you do your homework Then you have some free time Then lights out by 9. Eughh i HATED it. It's torture, and you don't get to chose who you share a room with. there is some SERIOUS bitchy ness and it isn't all inocent, people have sex in the chapel YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. eugh grose. :] hope i helped ? a little bit maybe ? x x x
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I'm writing a story set in my mum's school, Westminster, but I feel that not she nor I have enough experience with boarders to write a realistic story. Any simple information, social information, etc., on boarding schools would be adored. (google isn't doing much, LOL.) OHMAHGAAHHH this is EVERYTHING I needed. Thank god. I love you so much. YOU ARE MY SAVIOUR. :D You totally deserve the 10 points you're getting.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I went to a boarding school ( ENGLAND ) I HATED IT ! I lasted a whole term - i think you call them semesters. Wellll basically: There is about 3 -5 people in a dorm You get woken up by your House Mistress ( basically a teacher who acts like a mother figure in the house ) You go down to breakfast with the other boarders - usually something like cold sausages and luke warm milk and cereal. Then you have lessons Then you have break where you eat LOADS OF TOAST :) Then you have more lessons Then you have lunch where you get to socialise with your friends Then at my school we had this thing called carosel which is basically where your divided into groups within your year group and do a random activity that you don't get to choose, e.g fencing, self defence, photography etc. Then you have lessons Then you have sport Then you have dinner Then you have prep - where you do your homework Then you have some free time Then lights out by 9. Eughh i HATED it. It's torture, and you don't get to chose who you share a room with. there is some SERIOUS bitchy ness and it isn't all inocent, people have sex in the chapel YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. eugh grose. :] hope i helped ? a little bit maybe ? x x x
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Uk School Closures ??xx.
Uk School Closures ??xx?
If the Temperature gets to hot does the shcools have to close ?? like this week its supposed to be like 35 decrees wil the schools have to close ?? please help p.s i want it to close >.< i have a school trip on wednesday, and im not in the mood to go hahahhaha xx
Other - United Kingdom - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there's minimum temperatures for what work places (and I suppose schools too) can be and if it gets below that they have to close ... but I'm not aware of any maximum temperatures ... this happened at one place where I used to work where the automatic system broke down, the windows could not be opened, and the temperature soared ... but we couldn't walk out because legally there's no maximum temperature !!! crazy
2 :
i really doubt that's gonna happen, just pretend you'e sick ;
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If the Temperature gets to hot does the shcools have to close ?? like this week its supposed to be like 35 decrees wil the schools have to close ?? please help p.s i want it to close >.< i have a school trip on wednesday, and im not in the mood to go hahahhaha xx
Other - United Kingdom - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there's minimum temperatures for what work places (and I suppose schools too) can be and if it gets below that they have to close ... but I'm not aware of any maximum temperatures ... this happened at one place where I used to work where the automatic system broke down, the windows could not be opened, and the temperature soared ... but we couldn't walk out because legally there's no maximum temperature !!! crazy
2 :
i really doubt that's gonna happen, just pretend you'e sick ;
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Is there a school of witchcraft in UK
Is there a school of witchcraft in UK?
Please, tell me about magic schools in UK...
Special Education - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think there is. Look it up on
2 :
Hogwarts School of Wizarding and Magic
3 :
Don't know. But I'd say to avoid it. It's a false sense of power and well being. Also, there's no such thing as "good" witchcraft, incase you heard that some place. True happines comes from within.
4 :
There is no specific school for it, but there are random people who teach/know about that kind of stuff all around the world.
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Please, tell me about magic schools in UK...
Special Education - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think there is. Look it up on
2 :
Hogwarts School of Wizarding and Magic
3 :
Don't know. But I'd say to avoid it. It's a false sense of power and well being. Also, there's no such thing as "good" witchcraft, incase you heard that some place. True happines comes from within.
4 :
There is no specific school for it, but there are random people who teach/know about that kind of stuff all around the world.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
How to tie-up with schools in USA / Singapore / UK for used text books for school students in India
How to tie-up with schools in USA / Singapore / UK for used text books for school students in India ?
School students in India get pleasure and knowledge in reading books rich with pictorial illustrations etc. The books published in USA / Singapore / UK are very good but too costly. Students in USA / UK / Singapore who have used the books and passed out of their schools may wish to donate such books for distribution to needy students/ libraries etc in India. How does one get to organise such tie-ups between schools in USA and our trust organisation which shall do the distribution in India??
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I guess you need to have networks. Find people from your school who have connections with schools outside. And then start writing letter-requests.
2 :
u have to contact through NGOS
3 :
Find a sponser and also get a connection who can get you cheap deals on airfrieght and postage. Otherwise, it will be very expensive to send/remit books over. Alternatively, you may wish to approach the publisher to get some of the old copies [that may not be relevant/wanted] sent over. (: hope that helped.
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School students in India get pleasure and knowledge in reading books rich with pictorial illustrations etc. The books published in USA / Singapore / UK are very good but too costly. Students in USA / UK / Singapore who have used the books and passed out of their schools may wish to donate such books for distribution to needy students/ libraries etc in India. How does one get to organise such tie-ups between schools in USA and our trust organisation which shall do the distribution in India??
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I guess you need to have networks. Find people from your school who have connections with schools outside. And then start writing letter-requests.
2 :
u have to contact through NGOS
3 :
Find a sponser and also get a connection who can get you cheap deals on airfrieght and postage. Otherwise, it will be very expensive to send/remit books over. Alternatively, you may wish to approach the publisher to get some of the old copies [that may not be relevant/wanted] sent over. (: hope that helped.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
From US pre-med to UK med school
From US pre-med to UK med school?
I am planning on doing a premed certification in the US; majoring in Genetic engineering and concentrating in forensic science. I want to become a medical examiner. I am reading that UK students go to med school immediately after high school. What should I do? Should I wait through college here? Should I transfer to a UK med school? I want to avoid being the strange, stupid, older American student in UK med schools with the UK high schoolers. I will be 20 when I graduate college-- which isn't so old. What to do?!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are many mature students in British universities these days, and many people also take a year out between school and university - you won't be significantly "older", most of them will be at least 19. You need to check whether you even can transfer. A lot of British universities, especially the more desirable ones and the more desirable courses, simply don't take transfer students. But some do take people who already have a degree into the second year of undergraduate courses rather than the first year. You'd have to check with the individual universities that you are interested in.
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I am planning on doing a premed certification in the US; majoring in Genetic engineering and concentrating in forensic science. I want to become a medical examiner. I am reading that UK students go to med school immediately after high school. What should I do? Should I wait through college here? Should I transfer to a UK med school? I want to avoid being the strange, stupid, older American student in UK med schools with the UK high schoolers. I will be 20 when I graduate college-- which isn't so old. What to do?!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are many mature students in British universities these days, and many people also take a year out between school and university - you won't be significantly "older", most of them will be at least 19. You need to check whether you even can transfer. A lot of British universities, especially the more desirable ones and the more desirable courses, simply don't take transfer students. But some do take people who already have a degree into the second year of undergraduate courses rather than the first year. You'd have to check with the individual universities that you are interested in.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
What are the steps in becoming a primary school teacher in the UK
What are the steps in becoming a primary school teacher in the UK?
I am at secondary school and interested in becoming a primary school teacher but what qualifications do i need and how do i get to be a teacher?
Teaching - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First you will need GCSE grade C (or higher) in maths and English, this is a requirement for all teaching courses in the UK. A' Levels will depend on what you want to teach but I'd suggest doing subjects you are interested in and are good at. Then you will have a choice of subject degree plus pgce (teaching certificate) or teaching degree. Having a subject degree may give you more flexibility in the future, if you decide to leave the profession.
I am at secondary school and interested in becoming a primary school teacher but what qualifications do i need and how do i get to be a teacher?
Teaching - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First you will need GCSE grade C (or higher) in maths and English, this is a requirement for all teaching courses in the UK. A' Levels will depend on what you want to teach but I'd suggest doing subjects you are interested in and are good at. Then you will have a choice of subject degree plus pgce (teaching certificate) or teaching degree. Having a subject degree may give you more flexibility in the future, if you decide to leave the profession.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Do You Know A Person In ethier Pinewood School, in the UK by the name of Harry Fox Edward
Do You Know A Person In ethier Pinewood School, in the UK by the name of Harry Fox Edward?
He might be like 12-13 or 11... the reason why im looking for this person i dont want to say, but if you know him please e-mail me thank you.
Media & Journalism - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry, I am unable to help you with that information.
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He might be like 12-13 or 11... the reason why im looking for this person i dont want to say, but if you know him please e-mail me thank you.
Media & Journalism - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry, I am unable to help you with that information.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Why are all the leaders of the three main parties in the UK ex public school
Why are all the leaders of the three main parties in the UK ex public school?
Is it part of the law that they must be educated at a public school?
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They are raised and schooled amongst the "in" circles, i guess they aren't gonna give a party leader job to some person who used to work at Tesco, but hey! it would be a change yeah?
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Is it part of the law that they must be educated at a public school?
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They are raised and schooled amongst the "in" circles, i guess they aren't gonna give a party leader job to some person who used to work at Tesco, but hey! it would be a change yeah?
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Sunday, April 24, 2011
What qualifications do you need to become a primary school teacher
What qualifications do you need to become a primary school teacher?
I am interested in becoming a primary school teacher (uk) and I wondered if anyone knows the qualifications that are needed, also how long does it take to become qualified? Thanks
Teaching - 2 Answers
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First, please understand that teaching primary grades is every bit as difficult as teaching higher ones. In fact it may even be harder. You need a four year teacher's college degree in teaching plus a major in primary education. I also suggest you visit some classes to see what is actually going on in those classrooms.
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This very good website will tell you all you need to know Good luck. Hope you fulfil your ambition :)
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I am interested in becoming a primary school teacher (uk) and I wondered if anyone knows the qualifications that are needed, also how long does it take to become qualified? Thanks
Teaching - 2 Answers
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First, please understand that teaching primary grades is every bit as difficult as teaching higher ones. In fact it may even be harder. You need a four year teacher's college degree in teaching plus a major in primary education. I also suggest you visit some classes to see what is actually going on in those classrooms.
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This very good website will tell you all you need to know Good luck. Hope you fulfil your ambition :)
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Saturday, April 16, 2011
Will a Canadian university accept this from a UK school instead of a transcript
Will a Canadian university accept this from a UK school instead of a transcript?
I am applying to university in Canada having recently become a permanent resident. The application process requires me to arrange for all my former educational institutions to send transcripts of my courses and grades directly to the university. This needs to be on "official transcript paper". My former sixth form college tells me that they can send all my courses and grades on their letterhead, but they do not have any "official transcript paper". They just don't have transcripts in the traditional US/Canadian sense in the UK. Will they accept something on the college's letterhead? I have contacted the university I am applying to in order to ask, but their admissions office is in the middle of relocating and is therefore closed over the next week, typically. Sorry, just to clarify, my former college said: "Transcripts are not part of the ‘UK’ system so there is no such thing as ‘official transcript paper’ but we normally forward a copy of all your overall and module grades to the university. It is on official [college name] paper."
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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What they normally mean by "official transcript paper" is that it must be the official records for the school, sent by the school, not a copy or something you would send to them. Normally schools have these records computerized, and I can't imagine that in a developed country like the UK they don't have some kind of official form for this and would have to write a letter on letterhead.
I am applying to university in Canada having recently become a permanent resident. The application process requires me to arrange for all my former educational institutions to send transcripts of my courses and grades directly to the university. This needs to be on "official transcript paper". My former sixth form college tells me that they can send all my courses and grades on their letterhead, but they do not have any "official transcript paper". They just don't have transcripts in the traditional US/Canadian sense in the UK. Will they accept something on the college's letterhead? I have contacted the university I am applying to in order to ask, but their admissions office is in the middle of relocating and is therefore closed over the next week, typically. Sorry, just to clarify, my former college said: "Transcripts are not part of the ‘UK’ system so there is no such thing as ‘official transcript paper’ but we normally forward a copy of all your overall and module grades to the university. It is on official [college name] paper."
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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What they normally mean by "official transcript paper" is that it must be the official records for the school, sent by the school, not a copy or something you would send to them. Normally schools have these records computerized, and I can't imagine that in a developed country like the UK they don't have some kind of official form for this and would have to write a letter on letterhead.
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Friday, April 8, 2011
Which grad school in US accept UK bachelors of engineering
Which grad school in US accept UK bachelors of engineering?
Hi! I am going to graduate this july with first class honors(provisional) in mechanical engineering degree from University of Nottingham. I really feel like UK universities are under funded and thinking of studying in US for my master. As UK bachelor degree is 3 yrs program, are there any grad school in US accept UK degree? As I want to start my master as soon as possible I also don't like to take GRE. Thanks for your help.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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UK bachelors degrees are considered the equivalent of US bachelors degrees. You are eligible to apply to US masters degree programs in engineering. The US has some of the best engineering MS programs in the world. Some that I think you should look at, with your First, include: MIT, Stanford, U California Berkeley, Cal Tech, U Michigan Ann Arbor, U Illinois Urbana, Georgia Tech, Purdue West Lafayette, Cornell, Princeton, and U Texas Ann Arbor. All have fabulous reps for ME. However, they'll probably want the GRE - check the website for each school to find out. In addition, you may have missed the admissions deadlines if your plan was to start this autumn.
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Hi! I am going to graduate this july with first class honors(provisional) in mechanical engineering degree from University of Nottingham. I really feel like UK universities are under funded and thinking of studying in US for my master. As UK bachelor degree is 3 yrs program, are there any grad school in US accept UK degree? As I want to start my master as soon as possible I also don't like to take GRE. Thanks for your help.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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UK bachelors degrees are considered the equivalent of US bachelors degrees. You are eligible to apply to US masters degree programs in engineering. The US has some of the best engineering MS programs in the world. Some that I think you should look at, with your First, include: MIT, Stanford, U California Berkeley, Cal Tech, U Michigan Ann Arbor, U Illinois Urbana, Georgia Tech, Purdue West Lafayette, Cornell, Princeton, and U Texas Ann Arbor. All have fabulous reps for ME. However, they'll probably want the GRE - check the website for each school to find out. In addition, you may have missed the admissions deadlines if your plan was to start this autumn.
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Friday, April 1, 2011
What is the average annual cost in studying at a school in the UK
What is the average annual cost in studying at a school in the UK?
This including the tuition, living costs, etc.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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It depends on type of School. Go to Department of Education website to find out. Some Secondary Schools charge between £4000-14000 term /annum. For University , it range between £6,000-40,000 per annum ( Medicine is the most expensive for non-EU/UK citizens at £15,000 per year now about 40,000 per annum.) But do not take my word for it, go to the above department.
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This including the tuition, living costs, etc.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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It depends on type of School. Go to Department of Education website to find out. Some Secondary Schools charge between £4000-14000 term /annum. For University , it range between £6,000-40,000 per annum ( Medicine is the most expensive for non-EU/UK citizens at £15,000 per year now about 40,000 per annum.) But do not take my word for it, go to the above department.
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Which is the best boarding school in UK
Which is the best boarding school in UK?
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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Windermere St Anne's School, UK's one f the best boarding school with good facilities and expert teachers.
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Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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Windermere St Anne's School, UK's one f the best boarding school with good facilities and expert teachers.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Do you think that school in the UK is compulsory?
Do you think that school in the UK is compulsory?
After reading a few rather daft answers to another question I thought I'd clear up some obvious confusion. Education is compulsory. School in the UK is not. You do not have to inform your Local Authority if you wish to home-educate. You do have to send a deregistration letter to the head teacher of your child's school. You can deregister your child at any time and at any age. You do not have to follow the National Curriculum. Autonomous education is valid and is accepted. Some L.A.s will ask you to provide an outline of your 'educational philosophy'. They have no right to enter your home in order to check the standard of education you are providing. You do not have to be a teacher to home-ed. Your child does not have to attend nursery. If you are already encouraging your child's education and development while they are babies/toddlers then all you do is continue as you are. They will learn - they can't help it! Sorry, not true. The Local Authority have no legal right to test your child. They can 'ask' all they like but as long as you satisfy the criteria by providing an ed-phil of your methods by letter, then they have no other right of access to your child. Some L.A.s insist and some parents capitulate because either it is the easier route or they feel okay about it. Some parents like the support they can get from their L.A.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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They have no right to enter you home to see what you are teaching your child but they can bring a parent to court if they think their home-education is failing the child. And, if you won't let them in your home, they may well ask you come to them to them to test your child is receiving a rounded-education.
After reading a few rather daft answers to another question I thought I'd clear up some obvious confusion. Education is compulsory. School in the UK is not. You do not have to inform your Local Authority if you wish to home-educate. You do have to send a deregistration letter to the head teacher of your child's school. You can deregister your child at any time and at any age. You do not have to follow the National Curriculum. Autonomous education is valid and is accepted. Some L.A.s will ask you to provide an outline of your 'educational philosophy'. They have no right to enter your home in order to check the standard of education you are providing. You do not have to be a teacher to home-ed. Your child does not have to attend nursery. If you are already encouraging your child's education and development while they are babies/toddlers then all you do is continue as you are. They will learn - they can't help it! Sorry, not true. The Local Authority have no legal right to test your child. They can 'ask' all they like but as long as you satisfy the criteria by providing an ed-phil of your methods by letter, then they have no other right of access to your child. Some L.A.s insist and some parents capitulate because either it is the easier route or they feel okay about it. Some parents like the support they can get from their L.A.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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They have no right to enter you home to see what you are teaching your child but they can bring a parent to court if they think their home-education is failing the child. And, if you won't let them in your home, they may well ask you come to them to them to test your child is receiving a rounded-education.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I want to attend film school in the UK
I want to attend film school in the UK?
I'm currently a US citizen but would like to attend film school for post production in the UK. What are my most affordable choices? So far I have come across 19000 pounds as the average cost, which is MUCH too expensive a year for me to finance. Suggestions and information would be highly appreciated!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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At least one alternative is to take a year or so as gap time, get a job and save for the costs./
I'm currently a US citizen but would like to attend film school for post production in the UK. What are my most affordable choices? So far I have come across 19000 pounds as the average cost, which is MUCH too expensive a year for me to finance. Suggestions and information would be highly appreciated!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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At least one alternative is to take a year or so as gap time, get a job and save for the costs./
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
UK: school pupils 'disciplined' for refusing to pray to Allah in NON Muslim school
UK: school pupils 'disciplined' for refusing to pray to Allah in NON Muslim school?
Isn't this going too far? HESTIA'S PRINCESS - that is a really good point, you are right.
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
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yep....and get ready for more from the religon of "peace"..
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Pssh, and everyone's always praising the UK for being such a secular nation.
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Yes it is going too far. More than you know.
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Didn't really think something like that would happen in the UK. Anyways I agree with what the parent said, "This isn't right, it's taking things too far."
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That incident is wrong on so many levels, imho. Yes, it is going w-a-y too far.
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Strict measures must be taken that nothing like this never happens. To me it's intolerable - teachers must be suspended to set a precedent that nothing of sorts is ever repeated again. It's NOT A RELIGIOUS SCHOOL! Everyone must make their OWN choice.
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Yes, it's really unbelievable.
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Assuming it's true, because what we're talking about here is an allegation being investigated not a confirmed event then it's not only too far but completely against the Education Reform Act of 1988 and the European Human Rights Act of 1998. The only religious pressure permited in UK schools is that of the "Worship of a broadly christian nature" (read as CofE) enforced daily during morning assembly which is something you can opt out of as a child or a parent. What it looks like to me is that the children in question were being shown the way Muslims pray (it is a physical act involving a series of postures and actions, something I remember being taught in school some 17 years ago) and didn't want to participate, this however isn't a disciplinary situation unless the children were deliberately abusive about it (which I can believe quite easily in today's climate). I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals though before I go getting too upset. I suspect the news industry saw the word "Allah" being used in a negative connotation and jumped on it prematurely as usual
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Answer: This is indeed going too far -- There should be no "Practical" demonstration of ANY religion in a school not devoted to that religion. I can only image what would have happened if someone was disciplined for refusing to participate in a Pagan ceremony either in the US or the UK -- The school would have been shut down!
11 :
If it happened the way the parents said it did, then yes. On the other hand we're only hearing one side of the story so far. I'll reserve judgement until all the facts come out.
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Why does it concern you?
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Isn't this going too far? HESTIA'S PRINCESS - that is a really good point, you are right.
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
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yep....and get ready for more from the religon of "peace"..
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Pssh, and everyone's always praising the UK for being such a secular nation.
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Yes it is going too far. More than you know.
5 :
Didn't really think something like that would happen in the UK. Anyways I agree with what the parent said, "This isn't right, it's taking things too far."
6 :
That incident is wrong on so many levels, imho. Yes, it is going w-a-y too far.
7 :
Strict measures must be taken that nothing like this never happens. To me it's intolerable - teachers must be suspended to set a precedent that nothing of sorts is ever repeated again. It's NOT A RELIGIOUS SCHOOL! Everyone must make their OWN choice.
8 :
Yes, it's really unbelievable.
9 :
Assuming it's true, because what we're talking about here is an allegation being investigated not a confirmed event then it's not only too far but completely against the Education Reform Act of 1988 and the European Human Rights Act of 1998. The only religious pressure permited in UK schools is that of the "Worship of a broadly christian nature" (read as CofE) enforced daily during morning assembly which is something you can opt out of as a child or a parent. What it looks like to me is that the children in question were being shown the way Muslims pray (it is a physical act involving a series of postures and actions, something I remember being taught in school some 17 years ago) and didn't want to participate, this however isn't a disciplinary situation unless the children were deliberately abusive about it (which I can believe quite easily in today's climate). I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals though before I go getting too upset. I suspect the news industry saw the word "Allah" being used in a negative connotation and jumped on it prematurely as usual
10 :
Answer: This is indeed going too far -- There should be no "Practical" demonstration of ANY religion in a school not devoted to that religion. I can only image what would have happened if someone was disciplined for refusing to participate in a Pagan ceremony either in the US or the UK -- The school would have been shut down!
11 :
If it happened the way the parents said it did, then yes. On the other hand we're only hearing one side of the story so far. I'll reserve judgement until all the facts come out.
12 :
Why does it concern you?
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
does anyone know where to find videos they use in schools? uk.
does anyone know where to find videos they use in schools? uk?
we are trying to find this video of a call called stacey who lives in manchester and has ceribol pausy (dont know how to spell it) and she goes round the city centre been filmed? any help! thaaaaaaaanks.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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I think there's a channel called the "teacher's channel" or something like that. their should be a website with past vids. Hope this helps ^_^
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Have you tried What was the video made for - if it's a government thing it might be available through the Department for Schools, Children and Families (DCSF) Hope you find it.
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we are trying to find this video of a call called stacey who lives in manchester and has ceribol pausy (dont know how to spell it) and she goes round the city centre been filmed? any help! thaaaaaaaanks.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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I think there's a channel called the "teacher's channel" or something like that. their should be a website with past vids. Hope this helps ^_^
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Have you tried What was the video made for - if it's a government thing it might be available through the Department for Schools, Children and Families (DCSF) Hope you find it.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
what is the best degree to do if you want to teach chemistry in the Uk (seconandry school)
what is the best degree to do if you want to teach chemistry in the Uk (seconandry school)?
I'm not sure which degree to do?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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Could do some kind of Science degree depending on the University to build up a good knowledge base, then do a 1 year PGCE following that, which would get you Qualified Teacher Status. Or complete a KS2 Secondary education with QTS, but the amount of chemistry being taught would be limited.
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I'm not sure which degree to do?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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Could do some kind of Science degree depending on the University to build up a good knowledge base, then do a 1 year PGCE following that, which would get you Qualified Teacher Status. Or complete a KS2 Secondary education with QTS, but the amount of chemistry being taught would be limited.
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