Where can I find like a list of boarding school all over europe? What's the chance of me being accepted into a school in the UK when I'm in the USA? Does the boarding school in the UK offer scholarships or some kind of grant money? btw: I'm 14 years old I get mostly A's and B's and sometimes a C or two I'm in the 8th grade (:
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Scholarship are not offered to non British students. Nor does the UK government give grants or assistants with boarding school fees To get into boarding schools in the UK you have to sit a common entrance exams.Fees vary widely from school to school. £5,559 per term for boarders. At 14 you would be studying for you GCSE = O Levels exams in the UK now. Katlin the whole point is if one can afford to send ones child to boarding school why should they ask for government assistants. They offer scholarship to those from deprived background to go to boarding school. But they two have to sit an entrance exams. Plus pass to get in. But this scholarship is for UK pupils only. For you to sit an entrance exam you would had to had fellow the British school curriculum.
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