My dad and stepmother are moving to Scotland for business and I'm looking to spend a year or a semester there for school. I am a Sophomore at the moment and I want to spend Junior year over there. All my core classes are "honours" classes and I have a grade point average of about 3.7 or so. What kinda of classes would I take if I do attend a private school in Scotland? DO they have a form of SAT or ACT? Would going to a UK school be better than an American one? Basically, how will this all go down?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Right :) If you are going to be doing your Junior year here, you will probably be put in 5th year. In this year students may take highers or Intermediate exams, but from the info you gave, you would probably take all higher classes as I am. From my research I would say yes, scottish school is better than american. If you were to stay over here and do a degree at university, you will have tuition fee's paid by the government and you will get a worldwide recognized qualification, where as in America, your degree is only applicable in America. As for going to a private school, I would;t bother. Many scottish public schools are just as good, some are even better. There are many subjects you can take, with the normal subjects such as English, Maths and the Sciences, a wide array of languages (french/german spanish/ to cantonese/Urdu/Gaelic) and history, geography etc. It all depends on where you go to school. If you find out where in Scotland you are moving to I can provide you with more info :) I live on the East coast of Scotland.
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